Bluestacks Installation
Last updated
Last updated
Reminder: Use the included Bluestacks installation software in this guide located in Setup Files
Download the BlueStacks setup file
Double click on BlueStacksInstaller.exe
if a User Account Control window appears, select Yes
Click the "Install Now" button and close the BlueStacks application once the installation is complete.
Open the "BlueStacks 5 Multi-Instance Manager" on your desktop. By default, each instance will be named "BlueStacks App Player" followed by a number, but you can rename them to something more memorable. Keep in mind, you will need to remember these names later on when you begin using the bot.
BlueStacks naming conventions
Initially, BlueStacks uses Nougat 32-bit as its default. But after Builder Base 2.0, this won't work. You'll need to use Pie 64-bit instead.
Open the BlueStacks 5 Multi-Instance Manager and delete the current player by clicking the trashcan on the far right.
Click on "Instance" to create a new Instance
Select "Fresh Instance"
Select Pie 64-bit from the drop down and click Next
Edit the following settings
CPU Cores: Low (1 Core)
Memory allocation: Low (1 GB)
Resolution: Custom
W X H: 860 x 676
Performance mode: Low Memory
DPI: 160
Select Download
Wait for it to download the components and rename if you'd like.
Select Start on the new instance you just created