
Useful for starting multiple instances quickly

  • From the root folder that you downloaded the xbeb files from sourcetree, right-click, New > Text Document

If you're unable to see the file name extenstion (i.e. .txt, .bat, etc.) then do the following.

  • Click on View on the top of your File Explorer

  • Check File Name Extensions

  • Rename the new Text Document you created to "Start.bat"

  • Click yes

  • Right-click the file and click edit

  • The following is an example that I PERSONALLY use and may not match yours

pushd "%~dp0"
start "coc1" coc1 BlueStacks5 Pie64 
timeout /t 90
start "coc16" coc16 BlueStacks5 Pie64_1 
timeout /t 90
start "coc31" coc31 BlueStacks5 Pie64_2 

Breaking down the file

  • pushd "%~dp0": This command changes the current directory of the command line to the location where the script file is saved.

  • start "coc1" coc1 BlueStacks5 Pie64: This starts a new bot session with the Profile named coc1 (This will be based on how you named your profiles) and will start Pie64 session of BlueStacks

  • timeout /t 90: This command pauses the script for 90 seconds before opening the next bots.

  • Click File and Click Save

  • Optional: Right-click Start.bat, Send to desktop create shortcut

Last updated