MemReduct Installation

MemReduct cleans any cached memory to ensure your system is running smoothly.

Reminder: Use the included MemReduct installation software in this guide located in Setup Files

  • Download the MemReduct setup file and double click on memreduct-3.4-setup.exe

    • if a User Account Control window appears, select Yes

  • Select Next and leave all defaults selected during the installation

  • Accept the terms and click Next

  • Click Next

  • Click Install

  • Click Yes when the Update popup displays to update.

  • Click Close

  • On the Mem Reduct Application, click Settings on the top Menu bar.

    • Check "Load on system startup"

    • Check "Start minimized"

  • Click "Clean memory" and "Yes" to confirm

  • Close the menu and exit out of any installation window that is still open.

Installation Complete

Continue to the usage page for further instructions on how to use it.

Last updated